Work experience in Ireland


Ireland welcomes you with its wonderful green landscapes where you can fully meet Irish culture with all its curiosities.

You will have an unforgettable experience, meet lots of new friends from all over the world and learn English at the same time.

You will live in the village of Tralee or Killarney, County Kerry, located in the south of Ireland where you will be taken in by a previously selected host family.


Ireland is a British island rich in history, charm and fantastic natural landscapes, all waiting to be discovered!

Its culture, folklore and welcoming Irish people make it a popular destination for young people who want to experience abroad.

All host families will be happy to accommodate any dietary requests, allergies, or special needs you may have


This experience came about through collaboration with two Irish entities: the Celtic School of English and the Kingdom School.

The Celtic School offers both an internship and an English course, while the Kingdom School offers only an internship.

The proposed internship, as avolunteer activity, is not è retribuito by the employer.
That is why it is a part-time job (20 to 30 hours per week).
It is recognized by the Irish government for those 16 to 40 years of age.

Students will be regularly supervised and assisted by our agency through visits and calls with the local director.


Celtic Childcare collaborates with theCeltic School of English in Tralee, County Kerry in Ireland, a resort town full of young people and many opportunities.

It is well connected to Kerry Airport and also has a train station. This school offers work experience, complemented in the first week by an intensive English course and preparatory activities for the internship, which will take place in the following three weeks.

The duration of the program is 4 weeks at a price of 2275€.

For a time longer than 4 weeks, the additional cost will be only that of the stay with the host family of 280€ per week.

Costs include:

  • the week-long intensive English course with a variety of daily activities
  • an internship training course
  • the stay in a host family with full board
  • the registration fee

Not included:

  • flight
  • airport transfer


Celtic Childcare collaborates with the Kingdom School in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, a resort town full of young people and many opportunities.

The village is well connected to Kerry Airport and also has a train station.

The agency sends us the job (max. 30 hours per week) and the name of the family 2 weeks before arrival.

A duration of at least 3 weeks is recommended, but the minimum duration allowed is 2 weeks.

There are weekly weekend outings with their host family and also a monthly outing planned by the Kingdom School organization.

Program costs:

2 weeks €1650

3 weeks €2050

4 weeks €2350

5 weeks €2600

Each additional week costs €500

Costs include:

  • Full board in a host family;
  • Kingdom School Services – Celtic Childcare (Italy)
  • Work experience every afternoon (unpaid)

Not included:

  • flight
  • airport transfer

What people who have already experienced this with us say

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